I was working to finish up the July Bird Abode and it just wasn’t coming out the way I wanted. When this sort of thing happens, I either keep pushing to get it to work or I decide to make a complete re-do. The tricky part in design is to realize which direction is the way to go. In this case, I decided to keep the concept but change the design. I am MUCH happier with the resulting project!!!

So, it’s out with the OLD….


….and in with the NEW!



The top of the watering can/bird house. becomes part of the cover of the mini album. (Some of you may recall that I used this roof type on my very first mini album birdhouse back in March of 2010…) I  am excited with how cute this turned out! This project features the pPrima Lady Bird Collection.

I do need to give those who ordered this project the opportunity to back out of their purchase. The project is different than the one I originally designed and the original was what you may have based your purchase on. If you wish  to cancel your order, please contact me and I can refund your purchase price before they ship out. If you are fine with the new design, you don’t need to do anything.

See you on Ustream tonight. We will be making the Suitcase version of the Six Pack Mini Album Travel Set.
